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Thursday, February 10, 2011


So today me and my co worker found ourselves playing numerous 80s tv show theme songs.. :) It was fun and brought back a whole helluva lot of memories. So theres this quiz online and when im done writing Ill put the link. It was fun, so you should try it out. See how many you can remember and make sure you write them down as you go. :) Enjoy!! 

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

One Sick Momma...

Alriiiiiighty then....Ive been sick the last couple days. First the husband got it..then my two years old was so sick a couple weeks ago she had to go to the ER because she wsa dehydrated, and now me! Coughin up my lungs..and taking nothing but day quil which Im starting to think Im allergic too, since Ive been itchy like crazy since I started taking it. :(, However, I am at work today. Next week looks to be a very busy week...2 trips up to sacramento for meetings, an online course, a doctors appointment, and i took friday off. Yay me! Think Im gonna go hang out and relax on the beach. Try and relieve some of the stress that i got building up inside. I was told about a video called Guided Meditation which is on youtube. Im thinking about tryin it. Here you can check it out too. If it me there will be a blog about it :)

Friday, February 4, 2011

Jennifer's Big Day!!

So last night was my sister in laws birthday (Jennifer), and she turned the big 21! So on a work night she wants to go out for drinks. Not getting a call until 9pm to go, I went anyway, and Im so glad I did. It was Me, Jen, my Brother, and friend Becky. Becky being about 8 months pregnant was the obvious sober driver ;). And Jen being the obvious normal girl who turned 21, drank like crazy. After a few tequila shots with me, the Bartender buys her a shot...then the DJ buys her a shot...then some random ass stranger walkin by gets her a shot. That along with some kickass Redneck music, we were havin a ball. Finally shes about to break the seal and use the bathroom. Being girls...yep you guessed it..we went together. This is where it gets interesting and a little graphic. Since I reached the toilet first I proceeded with my business. Jennifer, however, proceeded to drop her drawers and hop up on the sink to do her business. :) Keep in mind that we are in the Bar Bathroom! Anyway, once shes done she hops off smashing her face into the tile wall across from her. LOL. And then doin what Ive only heard about people seeing me do numerous times...She falls down! LOL. Funny? Why yes it was! Im so used to that being me on the floor. It was kinda nice for a change. :) So after helping her up I figure its about time to end the night. I let my brother know that we should get going, but was that good enough for Jen..LOL..No Way Jose...or should i say Vodka? lol. she gets up a bomber that tastes like pink lemonade. Not sure what it was but it was GOOOOD! So stumbling out of the bar she went. Im pretty sure her 21st birthday will not be forgotten anytime soon. Especially with the incriminating pics I have of her. ;) Take Care Yall!!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Mom, Moma, Mommy...

Ok, so being a mom who works Full Time is a lot harder then it sounds, especially in this day and age. I mean yeah its never easy to wake up in the morning after hardly getting any sleep, go to work All Day, go pick up your kid, clean the house, cook dinner, clean somemore, get the kid to bed, then wake up the next morning and do it all over again. But, when your spouse isnt workin and you still have to do all that alone, the pressure can get to you. I think I need a kids, no husband. Just me, relaxing in a tub somewhere. And on top of it all the Dr. says I have anger Well, hell wouldnt you? :) I guess i can thank god for Prozac, otherwise Id probably go pshyco. beats killing people!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Life....or Something Like It!

I know people say we have only one life to live so we should live it how we want, but seriously how many people live their lives as assholes. Maybe I shouldnt of said that, but still so many people seem to be pissing me off lately. From men, to friends and oh, especially family. When you come from a redneck family full of alcoholics its easy to get irritated once in a while. But every weekend, seriously? Its not only nerve wrecking but it takes its toll on my life too. Everyones issues seem to stress me out! From my families problems, friends with drama(that seems to find me), or men who are so pig headed sometimes its hard to believe they dont still walk on their knuckles. So aside from this ranting and venting of all my problems, I want some people, yes complete strangers, to tell me about their lives. What makes you tick, and what pisses you the hell off. Because it cant just be me!