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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Life....or Something Like It!

I know people say we have only one life to live so we should live it how we want, but seriously how many people live their lives as assholes. Maybe I shouldnt of said that, but still so many people seem to be pissing me off lately. From men, to friends and oh, especially family. When you come from a redneck family full of alcoholics its easy to get irritated once in a while. But every weekend, seriously? Its not only nerve wrecking but it takes its toll on my life too. Everyones issues seem to stress me out! From my families problems, friends with drama(that seems to find me), or men who are so pig headed sometimes its hard to believe they dont still walk on their knuckles. So aside from this ranting and venting of all my problems, I want some people, yes complete strangers, to tell me about their lives. What makes you tick, and what pisses you the hell off. Because it cant just be me!

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